TurboGears 宣布并入 Pylons

原来就有 BFG 框架改名 Pyramid,合并到 Pylons 项目,现在 TG 也宣传合并过去了,当然这是好事,混乱的江湖总有一统的时候。


we will also be working with the Pylons Project folks to create a new generation of rapid application development tools on top of Pyramid, as part of the TurboGears "Full Stack" philosophy. We will help to pick default templating engines, default session support, default data  ersistence mechanisms, integrate widget libraries and build high level tools like OAuth or OpenID support.

用 est 同学的话说就是:Pylons + repoze.bfg + TurboGears,强大的三合一组合。Pyramid,负责low-level部分,TurboGears2负责高级特性和full-stack框架。

不过 TG1 产品将继续维护。其原文在 TG 邮件列表里,大家自己看。
