webpy.org 站点即将移到 github

前段时间讨论了这个问题,说是 spammer 影响太厉害等,目前 Anand 写了个脚本把 webpy.org 站点上的内容全部导到 github 上,部分链接可能会失效,Anand 正在处理中,还有一些垃圾信息等。以下是原文,来自 webpy 邮件列表:

I wrote a script to export webpy.org website content into a git repo and setup
github pages for it.


I made sure the revision history is retained in git. I went through
all the edits and removed almost all the spam. It took really long
time, but I think it is worth the effort.

There is a small issue in the way I removed the spam. Consider the
following scenario:

Spammer edited page x and added a spam link
Anand editied page x without noticing the spam and added some documentation.

Since the import script removes spam edits before adding to git, the spam
edit won't there in the git, but the spam will appear as if Anand
added it. Here is an example of that:


I hope there aren't many such cases.

Known issues:
* Links to translated pages are broken.

Please look at the website and the repo and let me know if you find
any issues. I'm planning to point webpy.org to this if it looks
alright to everyone.
