pylons 1.0 于6月正式发布:核心代码只有 1080 行

Ben Bangert 在 pylons 的官方 blog 中说到,pylons 的核心代码已经从1300 行精简到 1080 行,在人家都在做大的时候,pylons 在做小,其中提到自 0.8 以来核心更新就已经不多了,更多的是其他必须组件的更新。

这同时也表明经过 5 年的发展,pylons 已经日趋成熟。


Pylons 1.0 finally drops all the legacy handlers from the 0.9 series, reducing the codebase from ~1300 lines of code, to 1080. Not many frameworks actually shed code between releases, and I’d like to be able to keep Pylons this small going forward as we’ve shrunk the code-base for almost every release of Pylons since the 0.8 series.

