
对于这两个子类虽然IOS本身提供了start方法,不过我们一般不去直接使用它而需要借助另外一个类 NSOperationQueue 。

 The NSOperationQueue class regulates the execution of a set of NSOperation objects. After being added to a queue, an operation remains in that queue until it is explicitly canceled or finishes executing its task. Operations within the queue (but not yet executing) are themselves organized according to priority levels and inter-operation object dependencies and are executed accordingly. An application may create multiple operation queues and submit operations to any of them.

Inter-operation dependencies provide an absolute execution order for operations, even if those operations are located in different operation queues. An operation object is not considered ready to execute until all of its dependent operations have finished executing. For operations that are ready to execute, the operation queue always executes the one with the highest priority relative to the other ready operations. For details on how to set priority levels and dependencies, see NSOperation Class Reference.

You cannot directly remove an operation from a queue after it has been added. An operation remains in its queue until it reports that it is finished with its task. Finishing its task does not necessarily mean that the operation performed that task to completion. An operation can also be canceled. Canceling an operation object leaves the object in the queue but notifies the object that it should abort its task as quickly as possible. For currently executing operations, this means that the operation object’s work code must check the cancellation state, stop what it is doing, and mark itself as finished. For operations that are queued but not yet executing, the queue must still call the operation object’s start method so that it can processes the cancellation event and mark itself as finished. 

大概意思是 NSOperationQueue类调节一组的NSOperation对象的执行。在队列中的NSOperation对象会按照绝对的顺序去执行,也就是说当任务加入到任务队列后,会自动按照优先级和依赖关系自动运行。


- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

//    NSThread *mThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(DownImage:) object:IMAGE_PATH];
//    [mThread start];
    NSInvocationOperation *mOperation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(DownImage:) object:IMAGE_PATH];

//    [mOperation start];
    NSOperationQueue *mQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
    [mQueue addOperation:mOperation];


// 处理工作任务
// 处理异常,但是不能再重新抛出异常
因为NSOperation的任务是可以cancel的,所以在main方法处理任务时就要不断轮询isCancelled。另外,这个main方法本来是空的,所以不需要调用[super main]这句。
还有一个start方法,这个start方法是工作的入口,通常是用来设置线程需要的运行环境的。和main一样,不要调用[super start]。这个方法还会区分这个运行的状态,如果是canceled或者已经结束了,这个任务就不会运行;而如果是正在运行或者还没ready,则会扔出一个异常。
如果要支持并发任务,至少需要重写start、isConcurrent、isExecuting、isFinished四个方法。这里需要说一下这个isConcurrent方法,这个方法是标志operation是否并行执行的,如果是concurrent的,则返回YES;反之,则返回NO。如果没有重写这个方法,则默认NO,但在OS X10.6之后,这个值被忽略了。
